Opening a kitchen shop

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Somewhat unusually – i.e. the first time in 20 years – I was called on to open a local shop, alongside co-Councillor Nicola.
Wren kitchens are developing a new chain, taking advantage of the gap left by MFI, but also taking a step forward with a new cutting and manufacturing plant near Hull which delivers the high precision cut kitchens units as carcasses rather than flat packs, allowing them to claim their furniture is more sturdy.
I was rather taken by the high technology oven on display there, which had a company chef all the way from London to demonstrate all the various options and advantages, including cooking tarts and pies without having to worry about the base not getting crisp. I was sold until I saw the price. For all that, the cheese on mushroom sauce on toast was a delight.
Have to say, my Susan found the idea of me opening a kitchens shop slightly comical.

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